
lovedove <3

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am the hugest sap ever. I am totally in love with love (& a hubby to boot!). This weekend my lovie and I went to a wedding. Weddings are my absolute favorite thing in the world. Now I will say that I've been to my fair share of weddings, even some that I didn't necessarily agree with. But yesterday was so sweet. It's so incredible to witness two people who are truely in love pledge to spend their life together. In a world that is so full of divorce and sadness - it's amazing to see people brave enough to make the commitment.

Love is so inspiring. All stages of love are so exciting...watching my sister and her boyfriend, who think they'll always be together (and maybe they will!), the newlyweds who are so happy and excited about the new stages of their life, middle-aged couples who are stressed with life obligations but steal a few minutes of solitude together, or elderly couples who quietly care for each other in ways that you only can after spending a life together. All these sites make my heart leap.

I feel so fortunate to have found my Loren so early in life so that we can share all our life experiences together. He is definitely the man of my dreams...we believe in soulmates, and he's definitely mine. I love him more than anything. xoxox

So - my advice to the world. Enjoy love. And when you feel love, share it. celebrate love. And support those entering new commitments. I love you babe! :) And congrats again to Blaire & Tyler!

P.S. A little pic from the best day of my life <3


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