
Holidays are over?!

Friday, January 1, 2010

The holidays completely snuck up on me this year and I did not appreciate it. First of all Thanksgiving arrived out of no where (we had a lovely Thanksgiving, but more on that later). And obviously Christmas comes after turkey day but holy smokes did it get here fast!! We were so busy with home improvement projects and Loren was so busy with school that we honestly didn't get into the holiday spirit until Christmas was a week away! Yikes! And to be completely honest...we were still getting decorations out and set-up on December 20/21. Double yikes! I was a little sad for awhile because I felt like I missed out on some of the holiday fun times but I think we really made up for it in the end! :) I still got to shop at the mall while it was all decked out in pretty Christmas decor. And we got a REAL Christmas tree this year! Which was soooooo exciting!!

We spent Christmas here in Washington for the first time and it was pretty cool. It was nice to wake up at home and be able to spend the day at our house. My parents and sister were here and we had some friends over to join us for Christmas dinner. It was a really great time but I think it's easier on everyone (well..maybe not Loren and I) if we just go to Michigan for Christmas. We'll likely go to Michigan for Christmas every year until we have kids...which will be awhile! :) Anywho - I hope that everyone else had a lovely Christmas/holiday season. Onward to 2010!!


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