
I love America!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I have a goal. It's a pretty big one. I want to visit all 50 US states BEFORE having any humanoids. I really just think that America is sweet and there's so much to see and experience. Everytime I go somewhere new I get really excited and have lots of fun. This year I really want to get to New Mexico & Utah.

So far I'm at 23 states. Layovers and drive-thrus don't count...significant time must be spent. Unless I'm 45 and still holding out for Nebraska, I might count my drive-thru! :) Anyways - just wanted to share my progress, the completed states are colored pink!


  1. Hmmm, I see your SC is not pinked in... I happen to know someone who is moving there in a few weeks who happens to have a spare bedroom ;)

  2. Oooh - I'd love to come! Especially because Boeing is opening business there...maybe we could check it out! :)

  3. I live in SC, it's a great place! Smiling faces beautiful places :)


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