
Backyard fix-up #1

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today I finally made it to Lowe's to get some plants for the backyard. We got a few peony plants, some geraniums, another green bush, and some ivy-ish type plants. Yep. Those are the official names. I got home and got straight to work. I still had to empty out all the old dead plants that we'd been looking at all winter/spring. Those bad boys were depressing. So I dumped all those out and got busy planting the newbies.

The yard looks much better now and hopefully they'll all blossom out and look lushish in no time.

I still need to get a few more things - couple hanging baskets and a few little table top flowers but I think we're off to a good start. Lowe's also has a one year guarantee on their plants so I can actually return them if/when I kill them all! NICE!!! Wish me luck!


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