
Backyard fix-up - Part 2

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So, it's been a couple weeks since I planted the new plants in the backyard. I've been watering them everyday and I even got some Miracle-Gro to put on them. Anyway - they're growing along wonderfully. After the first batch of planting I realized that things were still looking a little dreary. I decided to paint our big star to add some color to the mix. I used Rustoleium spray paint and it was SOOOOO easy to use! It seriously took me about five minutes to paint it and it looks awesome! I got a few more plants to spruce things up too. I wanted something that had immediate color. Here's some updated pics...

I also got a plant to put by the front door for a little spruce up out there too. I think it looks really nice.

I still have a few more things I'd like to tackle. We need to clean up the cement and I'm also going to refinish the bistro set to cover up the wear and tear. I got another smaller star to put up and I'm going to paint it red too. I'm thinking about trying to repaint our outdoor light fixtures. They're currently gold tone and disgustingly ugly...nothing a little black paint shouldn't fix! Plus I need to fix up a little something to put down near our fountain so it doesn't look so lonely. I'll try to keep things updated.


  1. I love your backyard with the pavers and stone, looks great! Everything looks so well taken care of. Great curb appeal. Welcome to blog land, come and take a visit sometime.

  2. I love your black door! The plant looks so pretty! Thanks for linking up!

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies! They really made me day!


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