
A new bedskirt

Monday, May 31, 2010

We have a bit of a storage problem in our master bedroom. We purchased a big storage bin that would fit under the bed. Our bed also has a bunch of supports underneath that are not pretty. So I decided the best solution would be a bed skirt. I don't love bed skirts but until we can afford a new bedroom set (or bedroom!) it seemed like the best idea. Our bed doesn't fit a normal bedskirt so I had to modify it a little. I've seen a few different bloggers post on using fabric and velcro to make a bedskirt, but I just bought a bedskirt (on clearance) and some velcro and got to modifying. Loren helped me with work out the plan and get the measurements figured out and then I got to work. Here's a picture of the before (you might see a little kitty under the bed):

First thing I did was cut out the middle of the skirt so that the only thing left was the actual skirting itself.

Next step was to put the velcro pieces on the skirting. I used iron-on velcro and cut lots of little pieces. Actually, Loren cut up all the pieces after he figured our what size they should be. It was super easy to iron on the velcro.

After the ironing was done, I fit the hook pieces of velcro onto the skirt. After that I just stuck them under the frame slats. Done!

Like I said before, I don't love bedskirts but I think this turned out good and it definitely solved our eye sore problem. And it was cheap! Probably $20 total! It didn't take too long either so I'm happy with it overall. What do you think?


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