
Summer time!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's May. I can't believe it. Even though I'm pretty sure the weather here is just getting colder and colder everyday...I'm really looking forward to summer. We're not planning on doing a ton of long distance traveling this summer in anticipation of our trip to Europe but I still have a few mini-trips I'm planning. A list of places I'd like to visit this summer is below:

1. Forks, WA
2. Olympic National Park
3. Mt. Saint Helen
4. The Gorge
5. Vancouver, BC - this is the only place I've already been but I just love it there!

I also have a few other things planned; running the Rock & Roll half marathon, Loren's GRADUATION, finishing this ridiculous class I'm taking, and fixed up the backyard. I'm reallllllly going to try and make our backyard nice this year. Which means not killing all the plants/flowers that I plan to purchase this weekend. Oh! And we'll have a nice birthday celebration too. I'm also hoping that I'll have my lovely sister come visit again. Fingers crossed! :)

Do you have any special summer plans? I can't wait for summer to arrive! Hopefully it gets A LOT warmer.


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