
A little bit of crafty time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I started this little crafty adventure aloooooooooong time ago. Like, Christmas time. Yikes. This past Christmas someone requested homemade gifts. That was fine, I thought of something I thought would be nice...a little painted box to keep special treasures in. The problem was the Christmas was pretty hectic around here...I tried to get the box done but it just looked ridiculous. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of that hot mess but needless to say it was not pretty. But I felt bad for not delivering the homemade goods so I decided to give it another go and just give it as a surprise. When Loren and I went to Wenatchee I went to the best craft store EVER called Craft Warehouse and they sell awesome supplies.

I ended up getting a medium sized box with a see through lid and a vinyl decal with some pretty light blue, creamy pearl, and silver paint. I also brought some brown paint but it looked ugly with everything else.

The first thing I did was remove the hardware and then I painted the entire inside silver. I think it was a good decision. It just makes it look more special.

Next I painted the entire outside the light blue color. I then thought it would be a good idea to sponge paint some cream and brown on wasn't. It was actually horrible looking. Again, I failed to get a photo of the disgusting paint job but I had to repaint the box another time. Whoopsie! After that I painted the creamy pearl color over the entire surface. It made it shiny which is the best always.

Then I let the box dry for a little bit and it was time to apply the decal! I was really nervous because I didn't want to mess it up but it turned out great. It was super easy to apply too! You just rub the back of the paper and then apply the adhesive piece to the surface and rub it again. MAGIC! It sticks and looks lovely! I just had to put the hardware back on and it was done!

I think it turned out pretty good. Especially since I'm not the craftiest person in the world. The box is being delivered this week so I sure hope the recipient likes it!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great. I've always wondered how the decals turned out and I am really impressed!


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