In February Chad & Sabrina came to visit. It was super exciting to have them here since it was their first visit, and we had lots of fun showing them around our little corner of the world. And a bonus - we went to the Olympics! I've never been real jazzed about the Olympics but I do love America and cheering for the USA! But the experience of being there was incredible. Great time.

Loren and I spent a day with Chelsea Handler. Okay, not really but we went to a book signing and then to her comedy show. It's probably the closest I'll ever be to spending the day with Chelsea! It was a great day.
Laura came to visit and we made a fort in the living room. It was nice to have her around to act silly with. And we always get to eat yummy food when she visits!
The best thing that's happened so far this Loren's graduation. I've never been so proud of someone in my whole life. He's so smart and worked incredibly hard to get done quick. Awesome weekend.
We've done our fair share of celebrating other random events too. Our anniversary, birthdays, new job positions, finishing the half marathon. So many good things. After thinking about it...I realized that life is pretty great and I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the year. I think it's nice to take a moment and think about how great life is.
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