
Organization Week: Jewelry

Friday, September 3, 2010

My jewelry box is a disaster. Both of them actually. One is such a mess that I barely even use because it's so annoying! But my main box of gems is a real hot mess; overflowing and crammed to the brim. Every morning I have to empty it all out to dig my earrings out so it looks like this...

Yes, I have a musical Little Mermaid jewelry with it! :)

I decided that something had to be done about this little issue. I remembered a blog post I'd seen a long time ago over on Young House Love that featured a jewelry board. I remember liking it and thought now was the perfect time to whip one up for myself.

I purchased a cork board from good ol' Target and then started out with the painting. I did the first coat and it wasn't looking to great...might have something to do with the fact that I skipped the sanding step because I HATE sanding. It looked much better after the second coat of paint though. You'll also notice that I wasn't real catious to not get paint on the cork since it's going to be covered up anyways.

Next step was to cover the cork board in pretty fabric. Time to bust out the hot glue gun! I cut the fabric to size with some assistance from my lovely hubby and then got to gluing! I glued all the way around the edge and made sure that the fabric was tight and non-lumpy (technical term).

Now it's time to add some ribbon. Again, I measured and cut what I needed first. Then I just used some decorative push pins to hold the ribbon in place. I used four pins per row and think that's about the minimum you can get away with. I made four rows for earring and then went all the way around the edge just to finish it up a bit.

The last step is to add a few hooks to the bottom for necklaces or bracelets. Loren helped me with this part; apparently I wasn't strong enough. I used four cup hooks and Loren just lined them up and twisted them into the cork.

That's it! Now you just have to hang it up! I put mine in my closet so it's easy to look at things in the morning while picking out something to wear.

Hope you like it! I think it's cute and it's so wonderful to be able to see all my pretty check out my jewelry box:

Lovely!! Do you guys have any tips to share on how you organize your jewelry? I'd love to hear what others gals do.

1 comment:

  1. That came out really nice -- Great idea!
    (I came over from the nest and am now following you! :)


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