
Vacation Recap #1

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I mentioned last week that we had been on a two week European adventure and I'm finally back with a recap. I figured that I'd try to keep it down to two posts, one for each week, so here we go! Warning: This is going to be photo heavy.

London: Our first stop was London and it was AMAZING! The city is amazing and we managed to hit most of the main points. We saw Buckingham Palace, Big Ben (my fav!), the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and rode the London Eye. We also went to see the musical Chicago (I fell asleep a few times, whoopsie!).

Loren and I at Trefalgar Square

The Tower Bridge

On our way to the London Eye

Me and Big Ben

Loren and I at Piccadilly Circus

Paris: Next up was Paris. Paris was also pretty sweet. I've wanted to go to Paris for as long as I can remember and it didn't disappoint. It is pretty dirty there but I guess you just get used to it. We were busy in Paris but again managed to see most of the big attractions. We went to the Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame, Saint Chapelle, Sacre Coeur, and the Palace of Versailles. We also went to Disneyland Paris. The food in Paris and picky eater me actually ate SNAILS! And surprisingly...they were delicious. Plus all the yummy cheeses and super yummy wine. Yes please!

Loren and I at Disneyland Paris

Notre Dame

At the Eiffel Tower

Arc de Triomphe

Venice: This was one of the most interesting places to visit. There were no cars; the only mode of transportation is your feet or a boat. The walkways are pretty confusing. What we would consider an alley is actually a street where there are shops, restaurants, and hotels. Venice was a pretty laid back portion of the trip. We went to St. Mark's Basilica and took a glass blowing tour. While we were there it also happened to be the annual Regatta which includes a gondola parade and races. It was pretty neat but super duper crowded and hot. Then we concluded our time in Venice with a gondola ride. It was very romantic and lovely. :)

View from the top of the Rialto Bridge

On our gondola ride

One of the gondolas in the Regatta

Loren and I at the top of St. Mark's Basilica


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