
Put your booty here!

Monday, October 18, 2010

We eat most of our meals at the pennisula in our kitchen. It's just the two of us so it's easier to be closer to the kitchen rather than walking all the way into the dining room. The stools that we have are great but the cushion fabric was a cream color and that made me very nervous. We've have them for awhile now and while there wasn't any big stains I think the fabric had seen it's better day. I didn't want to replace the stools since there's nothing wrong with them plus, stools are kind of expensive. I decided to just recover the cushions. It was cheap and easy! Here's what the stools looked like before:

The first thing I had to do was take the cushion off the chair piece. It was pretty easy and I used a power tool! Woot woot! There were just four screws in each cushion so it didn't take long to get them off.

Next it was time to get ready to re-cover. I'd purchased a yard of fabric and luckily it was the perfect size for the two cushions. I measured it up and then cut the fabric in half. I'm good at that kind of measuring!

I used a staple gun to attach the fabric. It was quick and I managed to not staple any fingers down so I deemed it a success! To staple I laid the cushion in the middle of my fabric piece and stapled in the middle of the front and back. After this I flipped the cushion to check things out. This is my first time recovering anything so I wanted to make sure things were looking okay! Everything seemed in order so I continued stapling the front and back and then got to the corners. What I determined to be the best method for the corners was to fold the fabric like you're wrapping a gift. It worked well, you just have to make sure that you pull the fabric down tight so you don't get any bunches. Nobody likes a fabric bunch! :)

Sorry I don't have a ton of stapling photos. It was a little difficult to man a staple gun and the camera! Anyway, after I finished stapling I trimmed the excess fabric off and then reattached the cushion to the chair. Walah! Done!

I hope these cushions will hold up against all our eating for years to come. And beyond the fabric hiding stains better, I also think they look prettier now. And prettier is awesome! I'm thinking about painting the wood too but I'm a little afraid. We'll see what happens with that. But I'm happy with the result and it was an easy project to tackle. Anyone else recover anything? Do you think I should paint my stools? Let me know!


  1. The chairs look AWESOME, Kristen! I've been toying with re-doing our chairs for a while now, and I may just give it a try. I'll let you know if I do and how they turn out!

  2. Such a easy upgrade, they look great! Thanks for linkng up!

  3. They look great! I think you should paint the stools black... I wouldn't be afraid. It can't go that wrong right?


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