
Utah is fabulous!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Last weekend I went on a little visit my college pal Bethany in Utah! It was so wonderful to catch up with her and visit her little beautiful corner of the world.

Bethany was an excellent tour guide and showed me all around the gorgeous town of Park City. We visited lots of ski resorts and took a trip to Sundance.

We ate at the most amazing restaurant. The food was incredible. If you're ever in Park City you should definitely head over to Zoom for some super tasty grub!

We also had fun going out for drinks, lounging by the pool, and just hanging out. Bethany and her super sweet hubby Mike were excellent hosts and I feel so fortunate to have been able to spend the weekend at their home. Thanks again you two!

Oh, and a visit to Utah means an update to my state map. 24 states down! Woohoo!


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