At first I just didn't hang them up because I planned to buy some new fancier stockings. But then I went shopping. And realized that stockings are either expensive or plain. Since I'm cheap I decided to just suck it up and hang the ol' ugly ones (especially after the whole tree debacle). Then, I was at Michael's last week and figured why not just try snazzing up a pair of plain stockings?! Everything was already on clearance for a million percent off so I figured there wasn't much to lose. I bought two red stockings, some ribbon, glittery butterflies, and some glitter glue stuff. In full disclosure, the glitter glue actually came from Wal-Mart...I forgot to find it at Michael's.
I knew that I wanted to add something extra to the trim but I figured it'd be best to write our names first so I eyeballed the space and then got to writing. Once I wrote our names then I glued on the embelishments. I have a butterfly for my stocking - cause I love them and this one has red and sparkly! Loren got a plaid bow. I know it might not be super manly but really...it's a stocking, it's not really that manly to begin with. And at least it's plaid right?! Here's the finished product:
And FINALLY here is the rest of our Christmas decor. I think I've said every week in December that I was going to post it...well, here it is. Four days before Christmas. Whoopsie! I didn't change very much since last year but I think it inspired a few ideas for next Christmas so that was nice. Anyway, hope you like it.
So that's what I've got going on with Christmas decor. It's been really nice having all the shimmery lights on every night. I'll miss that sparkle when the holidays are over. I love sparkle! :)
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