
Color Accomplished

Monday, January 31, 2011

Progress has been made in the guest bedroom! Last week I unveiled the new duvet I purchased for the space but I was still having trouble determining what colors I wanted to accent with. I landed on red. I don't know why I never thought of it earlier. Red is one of my favorite colors and I already have some accessories in red since the previous bedding in there was different shades of red and purple. Plus, I've been in love with this pillow at good ol' Tar-jay for months.

I purchased the throw pillow and I think it looks awesome with the duvet. I decided to just go with some cream colored sheets but grabbed some red pillow cases for just a little extra color boost. I did manage to forget to purchase larger pillows for the shams, whoopsie...looks like I'll be heading to Target again soon!

I really like the direction things are headed in the guest bedroom (and already have a guest lined up!). I consider it a nice bonus that the curtains I recently added to the room will work with the new bedding too. There's still plenty more to do before I'm done, I'm really looking forward to getting some fresh paint on the walls and getting the headboard made. Stay tuned! :)


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