
A Goodwill Treasure

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Last month while we were at Goodwill searching for ugly Holiday sweaters, I found a slightly ugly piece of wall decor. But it was approximately $3.00 and I figured with a quick coat of spray paint it might look lovely. Here's the before:

And the after...

I think it turned out pretty great. I decided to hang it up over the french doors that lead to our dining room. I'm hoping that it'll inspire me to get busy re-vamping the dining area since it's looking a little bit...lame. Anyway, here's what it looks like:

The light glare makes it look a little harsh but in real life, it's pretty to look at when I come downstairs and it looks nice with the rest of the decor in the entryway. Plus it was super easy, which is a bonus because I've been extra lazy lately! Here's hoping this little spray paint project will push me to get the rest of my projects going. Fingers crossed! :)


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