

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our half bathroom has been in need of repainting for quite awhile. I had originally painted the bathroom at the last minute with some flat finish paint that I already had on hand and it wasn't holding up well in the space. Here's a refresher of what it looked like:

I'd been thinking that painting stripes on the walls might be cool but was a little overwhelmed thinking of it (I'm not the greatest with the painter's tape). Anyway, over the weekend I decided to give it a whirl. I purchased two quarts of Valspar paint from Lowe's - one in Dove White and one color matched to Sherwin William's Urban Putty.

I cleaned out the bathroom and then painted the walls with the Urban Putty color. It was late so I let it dry over night. I forgot to take a picture after that but wasn't very exciting. Then it was time to start the taping. To make my lines, I followed an equation I found on Young House Love and it was pretty easy to figure out. I wanted six Urban Putty colored stripes and five Dove White stripes (so, eleven total). To figure out the size it was the height of the wall in inches divided by the number of stripes, mine stripe width turned out to be about 8.5 inches. I measured the spaces and marked it with a pencil. I ended up making a few marks on each wall so I could line the tape up better. Then after HOURS of taping I was finally done with that mess. It probably wouldn't have taken that long but I had to take a lot of breaks.

After painting two coats of Dove White paint, I was finally done painting. I pulled the tape off to help avoid paint peeling and let it dry overnight. When I saw the stripes the next day I was so excited. I really love the way it turned out. The stripes just add a little bit of spunk to the space - check it out.

So that was my DIY adventure over the weekend? Anyone else been busy painting? Or have you ever striped anything before? Does anyone hate that blue tape as much as I do!? :)


  1. How did you paint it? Brush, roller? I never can paint well with the tape. Looks really good:)

  2. love it!

    found your post via tuesday's treasures and would love to have you visit and follow if you like what you see.




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