
Ornament Making

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'd been seeing all kinds of beautiful painted Christmas tree ornaments on Pinterest and figured it would be a fun thing to try and make. I picked up a package of clear glass ornaments and some red and gold paint from JoAnn's and was all set to go.

As soon as I started using the paint, the problems started. The red paint that I got was too runny so any design that I made on the ornaments got all distorted. I figured since it was runny maybe I'd try those ornaments with the paint swirled around inside (even though those aren't really my favorite). Turns out, the gold paint was too thick for that. Fail.

So, I pouted awhile and tried to think of something else I could use to fancy up my ornaments. I went to Michael's and while I was browsing around came across some sparkly pipe cleaners and these little sparkly pouf balls.

The poufs didn't work out so well because they stuck out so far from the glass that it sort of just looked like tumors. But, the pipe cleaners worked like a sparkly ornament dream! I just used my hot glue gun and wrapped the pipe cleaners around the ornament. It was super simple. I made a silver, red, and a striped ornament. I think the silver one is my favorite; sort of looks like a disco ball. :)

That's my ornament making story; good and bad. I'm happy with the end result so I guess that's what counts. What do you think? Anyone else been making some tree ornaments?


  1. They look so good on the tree! Why didn't you show the puff ball one? As always good job.
    ~Your hubby.

  2. I haven't made any ornaments this year, but I really like your pipecleaners ones. The magpie in me loves their sparkle!!

  3. Great idea!! Great that despite the issues with the paint, you still made gorgeous ornaments!! Cool blog!! started following you!! Would love if you checked out my blog and followed back?!!:)


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