
2011 Recap

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's not too late for a 2011 recap is it? I hope not. We had lots of fun last year and managed to get a few projects done around the house. I thought I'd share a few of my favorite projects and a few pictures of some fun things that happened in our lives.

Projects first -

Guest room makeover. While it's still a work in progress I'm super happy with the progress in this room. The DIY headboard and new bedding is probably my favorite part of this room. It's just so cozy in there now!

The shower curtain I made for our master bathroom makes me so happy. The bathroom in general still needs a makeover but the new shower curtain was a nice improvement.

I also really like the stripes I painted in our half bathroom. It's just nice to have a little kick in there since it's a really small space. Plus, after all that taping, I like to talk about it! :)

Decorating the buffet in the dining room just needed to get done. It was long overdue and I love looking at when I come down the stairs everyday. Like everything it's still a work in progress but it's a big improvement in my mind.

Loren and I also managed to have a lot of fun last year. Some fun involved traveling and we had some fun just sticking around town here.

In February we took a quick weekend trip to San Francisco. It was a fun city to explore and neat to ride a cable car. Never did find any Rice a Roni though.

June brought our five year wedding anniversary. It's crazy how fast time has gone by. We enjoyed a nice evening out in Seattle.

We went to lots of home Husky football games this year and it was so much fun! When Loren and I were in college our school didn't have a football team but we've since adopted UW and love cheering for them at the games. Plus, they have fountain Coke Zero! Jackpot!

In a belated anniversary celebration we went to Maui in November. It was our first time visiting Hawaii and just a beautiful trip. We had the best time exploring the island and just enjoying the beach and relaxing.

We went to Michigan for Christmas to celebrate with our families but this also provided us the opportunity to meet up with some friends that we don't get to see very often. Our week in the Midwest was a nice way to close out the year.

So, that's my year-end recap. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2012 brings, hopefully lots of home projects completed and fun adventures. :)


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