
Valentine Wreath

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I saw a really cute argyle inspired wreath on Pinterest and knew I had to try to make one myself. I feel like the wreaths I've made in the past are all sort of similar so I was excited to try something new. Here's the Pinterest inspiration:

Sweet huh? I picked up my supplies from Michael's, a foam circle, a big pound of cream colored yarn, and some pink and red felt. The red felt is sparkly! I love it!

The first thing to do is cover the foam in yarn. I just tired the yarn in a knot to start and then kept wrapping it around the foam circle. For some reason I thought this would take 10 minutes. It took me about two hours. Now, I was distracted by the most excellent movie of all time Cowboys vs. Aliens (joke - the movie was horrid) but it still took a lot longer than I anticipated. Maybe I'm just not a good yard wrapper. Also, little foam bits sort of got everywhere so just be prepared if you decide to make this too.

Next, I needed to cut out my little felt hearts. I found a heart shaped object in our house to use as a stencil because I didn't trust myself to make a well proportioned heart but this wasn't rocket science. Trace and cut.

Once I was done cutting I decided to hot glue the hearts to the wreath. It might not be necessary since you cross yarn over the top but I felt like it was nice to make sure they stayed put. Plus it's fun to burn your fingertips. :)

Now it was time to argyle this sucker. I wrapped the yarn diagonally across each heart once then went back and did the same thing in the opposite direction to create the X shape across each heart.

Basically the wreath is finished now but I decided to add a loop to the back to use as a hanger. It's as fancy as it sounds - I took some yarn, made a loop, and hot glued it to the back of the wreath.

Done! I'm really happy with it. I think it's a cute little Valentine wreath. It's cozy and lovey all at the same time, just like Valentine's should be!

What do you think? Anyone else a super slow yarn wrapper? Or been making an Valentine's Day craft projects?


  1. CUTE!!! I really love this (and love the colors you chose). I want to make one myself!!

  2. That looks awesome!
    *first time visitor (came over from YHL)

  3. Love this! I made a Valentine's Day yarn wreath, too, but only posted about it now. Check it out:

    I even have a black front door. Wild. I love yours and kinda want to make it for my other front door! My husband is going to think I'm nuts. :p

    Great post!


  4. Nicely done! Your front door is stunning! I love that paint colour, and the wreath just pops out so nicely!


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