
Happy Anniversary Husband!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today is our six year anniversary. It seems completely insane that to think that I've been married to my best buddy ever for six years. I guess it's like they say, time flies when you're having fun. And I have the most fun ever living life with Loren.

Loren is so patient and kind. I'm especially thankful for his patience cause I'm sort of a high maintenance mess most of the time. He's helpful. Loving. Supportive. And the best hugger in the entire world. (Not joking, if hugging was an Olympic sport he'd win the gold).

He teaches me new things (another time his patience comes in handy) and never makes me feel stupid. I appreciate all his help with my random little projects, especially the ones that I take forever to complete.

I really love that he's nice to my family. And will act silly with us. I can always count on him to act silly. :)
Dared to eat all the marshmallows on the dessert plate at Melting Pot
Loren is definitely one of the biggest kids I know. He loves to play around and try new things. He's fun to be around. 
A floating globe at the fair last year.

My favorite thing about being married to Loren is just getting share this life adventure together. He makes my dreams come true all while making me feel brave, and excited, and loved no matter what. And I'll spend my whole life trying to make sure he feels those same things. I feel so blessed to have him by my side. I love you sweets! Happy Anniversary! xox

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