This year I decided that I wanted to create a better system for displaying our Christmas cards. In the past I've just pinned them to a ribbon and that worked fine except I was constantly poking my finger. And it was tricky to look at the cards themselves. I saw a few ideas on Pinterest and decided to make a festive board of some sort. I had read about people using foam board but I was at Hobby Lobby and they had a nice piece of cork board. Here's all the supplies I picked up.
The cork board that I bought was larger than I wanted to use so Loren cut the size down for me. After the board was the size I liked I just had to cover it in fabric. I just lined it up (which is extra simple when there's a grid pattern on the fabric!), held the fabric in place, and started stapling. I started the staples in the middle and just continued until the entire side was held in place. Then repeat on the opposite side.
To complete the remaining two edges, I folded the fabric like I would if I was wrapping a gift. After making sure the corners were straight, I finished up the stapling.
After the fabric was on, I just needed to add a ribbon to use for hanging the board. The ribbon I bought is a shimmery, silver color and is a wired ribbon. Honestly, I just guessed how long I needed the ribbon to be and stapled the two ends just inside the corners.
I made a little bow to put at the top and hung my little board up. I did realize that I am the worst at making bows, but even my pathetic little bow looked better than nothing.
I was really excited to add all the cards that we've received so far this year, and I really love the way they look all hung up.
I think the display looks so festive and fun with all the cards attached (though I'm hoping to be able to add a lot more!)! I'm happy to have a place to hang our cards so we can see them everyday. Such a quick and easy little project I'm a little annoyed with myself for not doing it years ago! What do you use to display your holiday cards?
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