Hi blog buddies! Happy New Year...even if the greeting is a bit late. Our year has started out a bit hectic but with a nice weekend at home we're getting things organized and settling back into the routine. Thank goodness! We spent the holidays in Michigan with family and it was exactly what I needed to end the year on a high note. While the weather was a winter storm nightmare, spending time with family and friends was so great. It's amazing what spending a little QT with your loved ones can do for the soul. I felt a little more like myself when I got back home. Here's a look at some of our holiday fun.
I wanted to explain a bit about my absence last year. 2013 wasn't my favorite year. Nothing exceptionally terrible happened, in fact a lot of really great and fun things happened. But I just felt a little bit off. A little more sad than normal, and the happy feelings didn't last as long as I think they should. Feeling like this sort of turned me into a big ol' couch potato. The good news is, I think I'm on the upswing. Loren and I went on a beautiful vacation (which I'll share pics of soon!) and it allowed me some time to do some soul searching. I don't know that I can completely explain what was "wrong" but I think it just became pretty obvious that I need to take better care of myself. Emotionally and physically. Anyway...I have a plan and already feel so much better. Like I said before, spending time with family and friends with the people who really know me best really filled my heart with happiness. You helped me and didn't even know it! :) For those of you who stuck around while I was off in la-la land, thank you. I appreciate it.
I'll be back soon with some updates from the second half of 2013. Hope 2014 has started out wonderfully for all of you! xoxo - K
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