
Bookshelf Love

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I never realized how much I love bookshelves until I had one to put all my fun, pretty things on. But now?! I'm officially a bookcase lover!

We picked up an Expedit bookcase awhile back for the guest room. There had been a small desk in the space but it wasn't being used and just sort of took up space. This is a much better solution for the space and allows some extra space for Loren's stuff on our his actual computer desk. Plus, I have space for all my pretty things like my commemorative china from the Royal Wedding and Prince George's birth.

We also added another Ribba photo ledge from Ikea. We have one in our dining room and had been holding on to this extra one that finally found a home. I put a print we brought back from Paris, a print from Etsy that Loren bought me for Christmas a few years ago, a painting from my sister-in-law, and a few other items on the ledge. Everything there makes me happy. :)

The top of the bookcase could use a little fine tuning, since it's a little full right now but I'm not too concerned with it. The room isn't used too often so I like being able to look at all the fun things rather than worry about having open space. Anyone else obsessed with bookcases? I've definitely been trying to find places for them all over our house...wish me luck! :)


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