
One Day 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today I participated in a fun social network party hosted by Laura at Hollywood Housewife. She invited people to post pictures of their ordinary day on Instagram using the the hashtag #OneDayHH.

I had so much fun sharing random tidbits from my day that might not be things I'd normally consider Instagram worthy. I also really enjoyed looking through the pictures that other people posted using the hashtag. This was a great way to see that in small ways, we're sort of connected. Doing the best we can to enjoy life and take care of our families (no matter the size). Here's a few of the pics I shared today:

A photo posted by Kristen Ayotte (@kristenayotte) on

A photo posted by Kristen Ayotte (@kristenayotte) on

A photo posted by Kristen Ayotte (@kristenayotte) on

 This is an annual event so if it sounds like fun to you, keep your eyes peeled next year. And go explore the hashtag #OneDayHH on Instagram now to see what other people shared today. Big thanks to Laura for organized this fun day!! Did you participate today? Leave a comment below with your Instagram user name and I'll check out your posts!


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