
2014 Recap

Monday, January 12, 2015

A week and a half into 2015 isn't too late for a 2014 recap is it? I vote no. Since my posting was so sporadic and pretty minimal last year I thought maybe a recap would be a nice way of catching up so to speak. This could go one for awhile...

Loren and I decided to run a 5k in Vancouver BC so we took Ruby up with us for some fun. We love going to Vancouver when we get a chance, cool city.

It was Seahawks mania around here! I cheered for the Hawks since my beloved Patriots were done for the season.

Loren took me roller skating for Valentine's Day. It was something that we'd never done together and I thought it was sweet of him to come up with something new to us.

We also threw another Valentine party with our friends. It was a fun time (I think).

We headed to Florida to visit with family and get a dose of Vitamin D. It was fun to spend time with my Grandparents and my Aunt & Uncle. We were able to catch a Tampa Bay Lightning game while we were there, saw the last Detroit Tigers Spring Training game of the season, and then visited the beach in Jacksonville. It was a great visit.

As soon as we got back from Florida, Loren's parents came to visit! It was so nice to have them come out and stay with us again. We tried to take them to see some new places and ate lots of good food.

Going to Whistler BC with our friends Eric & Angela was another adventure in April. It was pretty warm while we were there so it was nice for Angela and I to walk Ruby around the village while the boys had fun skiing.

Things started out pretty sad in May. We had to say goodbye to our sweet kitty Sookie. That was a really sad time for us. I think she'd been with us for close to 10 years, and was always a good pet. We still miss her lots.

I was able to meet Loren in St. Louis at the end of his work trip and it was a great time. I wrote a recap of our visit there if you're interested in more info about that trip.

And we took what seems to be our annual trip to Vegas.

We celebrated a couple friends birthdays! It was a really fun night out!

Loren and I also celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. Crazy how quickly the time is going by. I love him like crazy and still think he's a handsome little bugger.

Birthday month!  Loren and I had planned to spend 4th of July weekend in Napa and the little sneak surprised me by having my sister and parents show up as a birthday surprise! We landed at the airport in San Francisco and there they were! It was so sneaky and I was COMPLETELY shocked! And so happy. We all spent the weekend in Napa and it was so fun.

My parents flew back with us and stayed at our place for the rest of the week. It was great to spend time with them.

Right after my parents left, we celebrated my big 30th birthday. Loren planned a fun night out with friends and I had such a great time. I'm still so thankful to everyone who made my birthday special. I was definitely not looking forward to 30.

We also celebrated Ruby's first birthday, saw the Goo Goo Dolls in concert, and I went with my sister to the Jay Z and Beyonce concert. July was crazy busy, and crazy fun.

My sister and I went to the Gorge to see Bruno Mars and spent the night camping in a tent. The concert was great and I'll never forget how loud the people next to us were snoring...or Laura going to try and shake their tent. Haha!!

Our good friends got married and their wedding was so fun! Loren and I had a blast dancing the night away celebrating the happy couple!

I finished out the month with a trip to Michigan over Labor Day. I had the best weekend spending time with friends and family.

September brought the return of Husky football to occupy our Saturdays. Loren and I always have fun going to the football games. I went to see Katy Perry with my sister (we were concert buddies last year). Katy put on a great show and we had lots of fun!

We went to another wedding for a very close friend. It was great to be able to share her special day!

The beginning of our New England vacation was in September and that was a great trip. It felt like a very grown-up trip for some reason. It was really neat to explore that corner of the US and I'm thankful we were able to.

We finished up our New England trip the beginning of the month...ending in Boston. Boston was great and all but the highlight for me was going to the Patriots game. It was such a great time!

There was also our annual trip to the pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving, and we threw a Halloween party.

Loren had a business trip to Chicago and I was able to meet him again to spend the weekend there. We met up with family and really had a great time.


We celebrated Thanksgiving at home this year which included having friends over the night before turkey day, spending Thanksgiving at our friends house, and getting in some black Friday shopping.

Usual holiday chaos and good times. The month always seems to go by way too quickly. We participated in an Ugly Sweater run and took Ruby to see Santa.

We made our annual trip home to Michigan to spend the holidays with family and friends. It's always a great visit and this time was no different. There's comfort in being around those that know you best and it's always a nice way to end the year.

If you made it this far, thank you! Holy smokes! 2014 wasn't my favorite year ever...seems like there were a lot of talks and decisions to be made but looking back like this points out all the good times that we had along the way and I'm grateful for that. I have a good outlook for this year though, and think it's going to be a good one! Happy (belated) New Year peeps!

Love, K

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