
Three Things Thursday

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Today I'm linking up with Erin from Living in Yellow today to share three random things that are on mind. Narrowing it down to three is going to be quite the fete! :)

1. It's St. Patrick's Day! Here in Chicago the celebration was last Saturday and it seems everyone is all partied out. I wore my green out and about today and seemed to be the only one. Loren and I will likely go out for a drink or two tonight and I did manage to snag a cute picture of Ruby girl.

2. March has become the month of visitors for us, and I'm loving it! My sister came (which I wrote about here), my cousins (still writing that recap), and we have more friends & family on the schedule before the end of the month. It's so fun getting to spend time with people we care about!

3. Loren and I went to the Blackhawks game last night. It was so much fun, despite the home team losing. I don't know what the difference is but I always have the best time when we make it to a Blackhawks game. Hopefully we'll be able to snag tickets to a playoff game.

Those are may three random thoughts to share today. Thanks for reading!

Love, K

P.S. Don't forget to check out Living in Yellow for more blogs linking up today!

1 comment:

  1. Someday I would love to be in Chicago for St Patty's day! Hope you are enjoying the day ;)


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