
City Living

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Since moving to Chicago, Loren and I have been living right in the heart of downtown. I thought I'd share a little glimpse of our apartment with you. We live right across the street from Millennium Park, on Michigan Ave. I feel pretty fancy to live on Michigan Ave! :) The views aren't great but still exciting to us coming from the suburbs. 

Anyway, here's some not great pictures of our apartment. It came furnished and we tried to add some personal touches without spending a lot of money. 

We bought this cheapo bookcase off Amazon and found some inexpensive frames and decorative items at the Ross down the street.

To help with feeling lonely, I made a display of Sticky 9 prints using some twine and 3M command hooks. It's nice to be able to see friends and family and remember fun times.

So that's our little apartment. It's been a nice little home for us and nice to be in the city to get the lay of the land around here. 

Thanks for reading!

Love, K


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