
Life Lately

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hi friends! Stopping by for a quick update on things. We've been working on moving into our new place and I'm getting a post about that together to share soon but thought I'd just give a quick look at what we've been up to lately.

Loren and I went to game four of the Blackhawks playoffs. While the home team lost (and ended up losing the series) we still had a good time. Hockey at the United Center has yet to disappoint me.

My parents came to visit and check out our new place. It was so nice to see them and to get some help around the house! They came and helped with whatever we asked and I SO appreciated it. I like to do the unpacking on my own but really needed help with outdoor work so that's what they did. My Mom was awesome at raking and picking weeds/sticks out of the yard and my Dad helped Loren clean out our gutters which were practically growing trees! We did manage to squeeze in a little bit of fun though! They'd never been to Chicago so we took them to see our apartment and then showed them around town a bit.

Such a fun weekend! Since we've been staying at the house I'm playing carpool Mom and driving Loren to and from the train station. Ruby always joins me and it's so cute watching her wait for her Daddy!

It's also cute watching the strangers smile at her while they walk by. She makes everyone smile! :) Side note, Ruby tried a new daycare today and it seems like a great place. I'm so impressed with how well she's done during this move, it really blows my mind. It seems like as long as she knows we're still here with her, she's okay. Love that pup.

Anyway, I think that's a good update! I'll be back soon with a move-in report.


1 comment:

  1. Your mom is so cute! Can't wait for the house update post!! :) So excited for your projects ;)
    <3 Monica


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